
Sales Over Marketing which comes first

Sales over marketing which comes first
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Sales over Marketing which comes first

Who is true ?? Let’s look a touch more into the small print of their jobs.

What is the duty of salespeople ?

They normally sell a known product to known customers, during a known region and into known market-segments.

They – should – know the birthdays, hobbies and family status to offer a call from time to time and – in fact – the character of products they buy.

They are – mostly – technical experts in what they’re selling and needless to say – let’s assume a distributor with some quite an assortment of products for a selected clientele – they struggle to sell the maximum amount as they will of the entire distribution programme to their respective clientele.

In addition – if a technical product is checked out – they’ll also keep the client informed about technical changes, take perhaps care of the regular service and that is it. If the merchandise has only a particular lifetime they’re going to certainly contact the client in time again and appearance for further sales.

The responsibility of a correct marketing manager is slightly different.

Normally he’s more a sort of a ‘generalist’, i. e. his duty is to ‘look over the plate’s edge’ and to maximise the sales and profits for his company from the – worldwide – markets and to satisfy the purchasers to the utmost.

That means that he plays the role of an inter-link between the corporate and therefore the market/s, i. e. he has got to lookout that the markets get the products they need – e. g. green rather than yellow or blue, because it suits them more for whatever reason – and he has got to provide all inhouse-departments with the knowledge from the markets – which products they have to develop, manufacture and provide to achieve success .

That includes specifically also all tasks like having the proper distributors within the right places at the proper time with the required qualifications and to support sales by proper advertising. Today the entire Internet activities are added, in order that the client – wherever he’s – has the likelihood to make a decision about the way HE wants to shop for .

He does marketing research so as to ascertain where and the way big potential markets are, whether or not they fit or could fit into the road of products the corporate produces and/or whether perhaps new products might be derived from the prevailing ones, and he informs in-turn his in-house counterparts from the event and technical departments regarding the findings.

He has got to watch the competition regarding their existence (where/how), their sales ways, their sales department , their PR and their advantages/disadvantages compared to the own products and sales ways also on the clients’ needs as far as known to him.

In other words: The marketing department plays the role of an inter-link between the market/s and therefore the company and is responsible also for every and each action of as its presentation towards the public/the clientele.

Thus he builds-up a Corporate Standing’ of the corporate within the popular opinion .

In addition he’s liable for the financial results – i. e. he has got to determine at which prices specific products are often sold into the marketplaces and he has got to see thereto that the calculation of selling prices is made-up during a way which provides the corporate the profits needed.

Who is more important then – with view to the statements at the start ?

In fact the salespeople can’t sell properly without the marketing people whereas the marketing people do merely a strategic job – although they ought to have their own regular contacts across the client base – and, as said before are the ‘inter-link’ between the market/s and therefore the company – and, they couldn’t do their job properly without the salespeople.

Sales Over Marketing which comes first In order to ensure a smooth and excellent work of both they need to cooperate – and in most of the well-known companies sales are a part of the marketing department as they’re responsible towards the owners for the success of the corporate .

So the marketing department should know – also via permanent contacts/meetings with the sales-people – the requirements of the prevailing clientele, the behaviour and pricing of the competition at these clients, the longer term plans of the clients with reference to their products and/or the ultimate clients = the clients of their clients => the important market. this will be acknowledged e. g. by means of questionnaires which the marketing department elaborates and which mirror the questions of all other in house departments towards the markets.

Based on such information from the markets the marketing department can also search for new/additional salespeople/distributors as set goals to be reached – taking under consideration the possibly changing duties of them to be seen here – by the entire selling force – so as to satisfy the requirements of the corporate and therefore the Marketing Plan, which has got to be available anyway for a correct future development of the corporate .

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